Have you ever wished you had the perfect job, like Adam Savage from Myth Busters? Or like an inventor or gets paid to prototype and play around in a simulation lab for a living? No? Just me?
Of course everyone starts out in life having dreams. Dreams come from our deepest intuitive sense of what we want, who we are, what would make us feel strong in life. They are to be trusted and integrated with our life strategy.
The problem is so many of us are jaded, talked out of our dreams, and told we are being unrealistic. Even Adam Savage says not everyone can work their dream job. This is a popular notion designed to prevent the “starving artist” situation from happening (even though I know plenty of professional-level people starving for their creative freedom again.)
Your creative potential is way bigger than your fears and practical concerns. This is what is pointed to with the phrase “quiet desperation.” You know your true potential. But popular culture will not push you to pursue it at default.